2015 Pasadena Showcase House of Design: An Introduction

With approximately 30,000 visitors every year, the Pasadena Showcase House of Design is one of the best-attended showcase homes in the United States. This year’s tour will be taking place April 19th through May 17th with all proceeds being donated to local non-profit organizations that support symphonic, cultural and educational musically oriented programs for youth.
PurePhoto is excited to be participating for the second year in a row with interior designer Amy Peltier of A. Peltier Interiors Inc. and would like to offer you a glimpse into her design process from concept to completion. We asked Amy a few questions about how she became involved with the Pasadena Showcase House and how she feels about designing this particular space:
PurePhoto: Have you been involved with the Pasadena Showcase House of Design before? If so, what types of spaces have you designed for them?
Amy Peltier: Yes! 2014 was my first year and I designed the children’s suite, turning it into a child-friendly bathroom and nursery combo.
PP: Which space are you designing for the 2015 project?
AP: An eclectic sitting room in the Carriage House full of textures layers, and patterns.
PP: How many designers are involved in this particular showcase house?
AP: I believe there are 17 interior designers selected this year.
PP: What is the selection process for interior designers?
AP: The selection process involves several steps. First you must be invited to tour the house. During the walk through you carefully look at each room and decide which three spaces you are interested in. You then submit a proposal and floor plan for your top three choices. The selection committee reviews all entries and decides who will design each room. I always love getting that phone call congratulating me on my space!
PP: What are the benefits of participating in this type of project?
AP: My favorite part about participating in the Showcase is having no limitations on what I can do except for my own creativity. It’s also such a wonderful cause and the volunteers that run it each year put so much time and effort into making it a success. I even love staffing my space and interacting with the public. It’s an honor to be chosen for such a prestigious event so I consider that a benefit as well!
You can visit http://www.pasadenashowcase.org/ for more information on the Pasadena Showcase House and to purchase tickets.